Sunday, 20 September 2015

What is Typing:

Typing is a process to create a letter, word or any form of sentence documented in electronic media or any form of mechanical devices like typewriter. The highest achieved typing speed is more than 200 WPM and we are struggles to achieve a speed of 30 wpm. Any one can easily achieve a speed of 30 wpm to 60 wpm with his/her determination and practice.

What is typing skill:
Since the style of letters created in the electronic media is independent of any physical phenomenon of keyboard, therefore typing skill is related to only the speed and accuracy of creating letters, words or sentences.
Everybody who can read and write can also type. Therefore everyone has typing skill. Typing skill is measured in the scale of speed. Who has more typing speed can write in the electronic media faster than others, has more typing skill.

Why typing skill is necessary?
Now-a-days we have to sit in front of computer or laptop regularly, like for typing an email, letter, making resume for jobs, shopping from online sites, writing blogs, writing books etc. It is easy to find people around us in the office having good typing speed irrespective of the position he held in the company, even when we climb the corporate office ladder, more responsibility of the work needs more e-mails to answer more documents to make. It always demands good typing speed that helps to complete your job quickly than others.

How do We type?

We type by pressing the keys with our fingers. Obviously, typing skills is quick activity of our fingers to press the right key in relation to letters that are beholding while reading the document. When we start learning typing we look for each letter in the key board. It takes time to look for the letter from the document and the search for the key and pressing that. The cycle is as depicted below:

Procedure that we usually follow:

Procedure to be followed:

Here this beginners cycle of typing, the document is need to be read, therefore this action can not be avoided, however, the action searching for keys, check back to the document and correction in the document can be avoided and significantly steps are reduced so that one can just look into the document which are being typed, and do the typing. Any error happens can be readily seen and rectified.

Key-learning photograph:

There are 26 letters and addition characters like space tab etc. need to be pressed in the process of typing. If we we use one finger to press all the keys, it will take more time to travel and reach each keys. Therefore the best idea is to utilising and categorize fingers for each keys, Therefore every finger will have balanced amount of keys which are easy to reach for the fingers. This key-finger sequence shall be repeatedly practised so that our finger will go automatically. The picture shown is the key-finger sequence. You can also use various typing software which are available in the market.

There are number of typing software and demo versions where you can easily learn and practice the key schedule. A picture of complete finger positions or right key selection for a letter is given.

Layout of fingers: Remember that it is necessary to have your right fingers in right place.
Please remember, you may have got bored and serious frustration in the starting week but once you practise at least 1 hour daily for 2 weeks, you will find your speed and accuracy of the typing without withholding the keys gone beyond your realistic expectation. This ill further motivate you to practise more thus getting more typing speed.
Also sit in preferably straight chair, position your keyboard in such a way that, when you start typing in you keyboard you hands should be approximately horizontal from the elbow. However, do little experiment and can find most comfortable position for typing.

Tips: How to learn fast?

Everyone want to type fast. The one and only method of first typing is to practice.
However, some time practice needs determination or it makes boring. Therefore these are the following tips that you can enjoy.
1. Type in dark: Apart from you daily practise. Type in evening or night or inside dark room placing the key board in the keyboard drawer so that the you can not see the keys even at the light of monitor. This will force you to use your typing skills of using right fingers on right keys. Best way is chat with someone on internet in the dark room.
Note: Chat with friends or someone who never mind on your typing mistakes. Otherwise you have to pay for the typing mistakes.
2. Make it in regular habit: We start a work with lot of motivation and determination. Our motivation and determination gets challenged after few days when it feels bore. So make it a regular habit and set a small reward like I can have a game/TV shows/music for few hours if I practise typing for the day. This way you can share your motivation of other work towards increasing typing skill.
3. Memorize the word and practise those common words:  Every person needs to give attention when typing an unknown word. Try to memorize common words and synchronize your finger to type as fast as possible those words. Though it automatically happens when you regularly practise typing, but sometime it will happen that you need not to seek attention to type regular words and as the number of these words increases you will get more speed of typing.
4. Practice accuracy then speed: Always practise accurate typing. Speed may give you little thrilling feeling but without accuracy everything is going to be a wastage. However do not stick to only 100% accuracy. Try to balance your speed with minimum 95 to 97% accuracy. When your minimum expected speed achieves let say 30 wpm, then try to give attention to make it 99% accurate. Then again strive to increase the speed and then accuracy.
5. Take sufficient time to get to the speed you are looking for: Always keep realistic expectation. When setting your goal do not expect that you can achieve a speed of 50 wpm from 10 wpm within a day. It will even demotivate you when you cannot achieve. Perhaps set the goal of 50 wpm within 1 month considering 1 hour of investment everyday (like 30 minutes in morning and 30 minutes in evening for chatting in dark room with friends).
6. Set your goal little high: Also always set you goal little high. If you wish to achieve a typing speed of 50 wpm set your goal to 60 to 65 wpm. When you reach 50 wpm do not stop try to reach to 60 to 65 wpm. This will ensure that you obviously reach the speed and when you loose practise for few days your speed will still be more than 50 wpm.
7. Reward yourself: Set a reasonable big reward if you achieve the speed. This will motivate you to go forward. Like eating food in a restaurants or having a small get together with friends.

Remember every skill you learned in any phase of time will not be a wastage even it have no effect in your near future. When I was at the age of 19, I learned to gain typing speed. I am a mechanical engineer by profession. Now I became an author of A book on engineering and design. My typing skill helped me lot when writing this book, but I never thought I will become an author when I learned typing.

1 comment:

  1. It's useful instruction. And also this is recommend tool to practice typing speed Mastering Typing App
